Ava Nails Spa | Nail salon 28262 | Near me Charlotte NC



In response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, Ava Nails Spa in Charlotte is taking the following precautions to ensure the business can continue in a timely and professional manner while minimizing health risks to workers and clients:

Temperature Check upon Arrival

Mandatory face coverings for employees and customers in the workplace.

Implementing policies and practices for social distancing in the workplace

Improved air circulation and building ventilation systems

Sick employees should follow CDC-recommended steps. Employees should not return to work until the criteria to discontinue home isolation are met, in consultation with healthcare providers.

Customers and employees who are well but who have a sick family member at home with COVID-19 are encouraged to stay in isolation until results come back negative.

Washing hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with soap and water